1 thought on “What are the top ten common diseases of cats?”

  1. 1. Cat cup virus (Feline) infection is a cat viral respiratory infectious disease. The main manifestations are the symptoms of the upper respiratory tract, double -phase fever, slurry and mucus nasal leaks, conjunctivitis, and depression, and some cats can hear breathing. Cat FCV infection is a plenty of cats of cats, and the incidence rate is low. 2. Cat elastic virus. Caused a multi -joint of the infected cat. 3. Cat immune defect virus (FIV). Mainly cause congenital immune defects of home cats. 4. Cat leukemia virus. It mainly causes the naturally forming tumors to raise cats and inhibit the role of bone marrow and immune system.
    5. Cat -chroma infection. Catal virus infection is also called cat infectious peritonitis (FIP). It is a height of a cat’s height of a dead virus disease. It includes two types: exudation and non -exudation. 6. Blood Balttotosotraine. Also known as cat infectious anemia, the disease is acute or chronic anemia caused by a cat caused by a necked genes proliferated in the vascular system. 7. Flea disease. Flea is small, wingsless, flat -virtual parasites on both sides. Flea is eaten with blood, which can cause cats allergic and strong itching and uneasiness when blood -sucking. 8. Cat’s milk heat. The cause of this syndrome is usually the female cat during breastfeeding (very few during pregnancy), and the calcium content in the blood decreases. Symptoms have changed, but most of them have decreased. 9. Eyeline rollover. The disease refers to a series of eye disorders that show the eyeballs of the eyelids to the eyeballs, showing the eyelashes that stimulate the cornea. 10. pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx mucosa.

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